Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ether Third Quarter 2010 Update

All right, everyone, sorry for being gone for so long. Summer's flown by fast—I finished the first draft of Ether almost two months ago! So, while the missus has been reading the first bits as my official First Reader (when I can pull her away from her Nook) I've been finetuning the Ether book package, all the presentation details and such. It's work of course—I'm my own worst critic and nothing satisfies me for long. But I labor with love and purpose, nonetheless.

Meanwhile, I'm putting together an ebook companion to Ether that'll star Doctor Richard de Lis himself in a little side adventure that takes place towards the end of Ether, while our heroes are otherwise occupied. It'll be a bridge between Ether and the last book in the JauntWorld trilogy, called (for now) Cloak. A second ebook starring Agent Greg Mason before the action of Ether is also in the works, when I'm not busy writing a dozen other things.

Here's a little picture of the cover (again, for now) to whet your appetite:
