2010 kicks off with two new ebooks available through www.bn.com. First, the much-anticipated distribution of the Jaunt ebook! With the partnership of Smashwords and Barnes & Noble, Jaunt gets into the ebook format, capable of being read on a wide variety of ereaders, particularly the new iPad and nook! Not to be left out, 2 Shorts (+1) follows suit, both starting at bn.com at $4.95!
This is an exciting time to be a creator and reader, with new avenues to books opening up seemingly by the day.
By the way, that barcode to the right is a semacode. For those unaware, it is a two-dimensional barcode that one takes a picture of with their cell or mobile device, and with the appropriate mobile software, directs one to any website of one's choosing. This semacode leads to the Jaunt Amazon.com page, but expect more for ebook formats soon.